Saturday, August 28, 2010

How Does Code to Content Ratio Affect Your Site?

It is always said that content plays an important role and search engine gives high priority to quality content. Thou, it is not only content which brings your website on top of the SE result page, but it is sequence on small but important SEO techniques which help your blog/website to come at the top. One of those techniques is Code to Content Ratio, now you might wonder about “what is code to content ratio?” Many bloggers are not aware about this term; it plays an important role in SEO. Code-to-content ration can hurt your site ranking but good C2C ratio can provide high ranking too. Now let me elaborate more about it.

More on-page text means good website code to content ratio. Thou, irony is many bloggers are not aware about this term, even during optimization our clients site, this is the most common problem I came across which scathe their website ranking badly.

Problem I came across with websites is known as a code bloat, code bloat is nothing but excessive use of coding or scripts (like JavaScript, CSS, Flash and many more) within source code than content on your web page, which makes website pages heavy, generally a standard optimize page should not exceed more than 80 to 100 KB in size, more than this can worsen the condition.

Does Code to Content Ratio Matter?

Many a times, it is been asked to me that does really it matters that much? I do nothing but give a nod to them. Typical code issues can damage your search engine ranking up to max and should be rectify within time or on-page optimization process will be of no use;

• Heavy use of JavaScript or coding can prevent search engine spider to access your site freely, result not able to read or fetch content within your site. Higher code to content ratio make search engine harder to dig out the appropriate texts from your web pages. For an example, if a certain website < head> tag consist of hundred and thousand lines of coding and then your < body> tag begins which consist you text area then for SE it becomes more arduous to accommodate content present in your blog/website. Since, every search engine has their own capacity to load data for individual page on sites.

• Embedding many unneeded code like JavaScript, Flashes, etc can put site under unwanted burden. More downloading time can hurt website a big time, since search engine believes that “bigger the long downloading time, higher the bounce rate”. Hence, search engine will rate your site much lower than your competitor’s site.

• Generally, From 0% to 12% C2C ratio is rated as Poor,
From 12% to 25% C2C ratio is rated as Moderate,
Above >25% C2C ratio is rated as Good.

For this reason, it is always good to keep your site simple and clean, try to minimum use to code on-page which can increase loading time. So, do check your website Code to Content Ratio, and make sure you are on safer side.

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